Egyptian Wood Sarcophagus Mask

SKU: MS.0035

Origin: Egypt
Circa: Ptolemaic Period, c. 332-30 BC
Dimensions: 10.75” Height (27.3cms)
Medium: Wood

From an anthropoid coffin, carved from a single block of wood, the oval face surmounted by the remains of a voluminous wig, eyes and eyebrows depicted in a stylised manner, rounded cheek bones, the lips pursed into a smile.

French Private Collection. Private collection, France, acquired prior to 1981; and thence by descent to the present owner. Accompanied by a French passport

Mounted on a black painted wood pedestal.
With wear and holes around the natural knots of the wood, including the wig and the proper right cheek. Original tenons visible on the proper left side of the wig, above the forehead on both sides and on the lower part of both cheeks, going through the width to the back.



Egyptian Wood Sarcophagus Mask


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