Pre-Dynastic Speckled Granite Squat Vessel

SKU: HQ.0107

Origin: Egypt
Circa: Pre-Dynastic Period, Naqada III, 3200 BC to 3000 BC
Dimensions: 3.5" Width x 3" Height (8.9 cm x 7.6 cm)
Medium: Granite

The charm of this small vase is in its compact structure and characteristic dark speckled stone. Mostly spherical in shape, the body gently swells outward toward the bottom, its tubular handles lie horizontal to a small but confident disk rim. The vessel sits upright on a partially rounded bottom. 

Previously with the dealer Nicholas Wright, c. 1990s, London UK. Where acquired by an English Private Collection.

Intact, as shown, with evidence of tooling around the outside of the handles and within. Light deposits in crevices.



Pre-Dynastic Speckled Granite Squat Vessel


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